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Sat, Apr 01, 23.

An Observation from Judges

The below is comment on Judges 21:25 and very briefly looks at “a way of God” demonstrated through the period of the Judges leading to the installation of David as King of Israel. We see this pattern with God from the Garden of Eden all the way to Jesus on earth and beyond—God establishes legitimacy, demonstrates excellence of his wisdom.

The Purpose of the Book of Judges

This verse sums up the purpose of this book which is to justify the need for a king in Israel. So God allowed the period of the judges to establish the need for a king. This is really one of the major ways God rules and deals with his creation, He demonstrates the wisdom of his decisions to all.

God’s Ways—The Great Exercise In Reasoning Together

The goal of reasoning together is to come to an agreement in ones’ views. It is so that one will not be against the other but would see the wisdom and good intention of the other. God wants man to reason with him, to see his wise and good intentions and that they are the very best without any other alternative.

Our history has been a great exercise in reasoning together with God. In other words, through time, God is demonstrating to us certain necessities, this is evidently in order that we may be in agreement with his will and plan. God wants us to see that his plans and purposes are good.

  1. He stated the reason for creating man and it was so that the earth may have order and not fall back into chaos and disorder
  2. He intended creating the woman, but first he brought the animals to Adam to see which one, if any, he would choose as his companion. Man himself saw that none was fit to be his companion and it was after this that God made the woman and brought her to the man.[Gen 2:18-23]
  3. Before giving Israel a king (or kings), God let them live through the period of judges without a king so that they would see for themselves the need for a king [Jdg 21:25]. Of course, as can be seen from Jacob’s prophecy and blessing concerning Judah, God already planned to give them a king and already determined from what tribe he would come before they had ever become a nation [Gen 49:10,8-12].
  4. God let Israel go into exile among the nations so that Israel would know the difference between serving God and serving others [2Chr 12:8].
  5. This also applies to the whole of mankind. God has let men go their way so that they would see the futility of serving others and not God. The goal with Israel and with all men is to bring us to a point of willing submission to God knowing that there is no better ruler for us than he [Isa 48:17].
  6. God let sin enter the world—not that he could not prevent Adam in the garden from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and avoiding to be judged but—so that we would see for ourselves the terrible consequences of sin. The end is that we may be zealous against sin in the coming ages.
  7. God’s plan is for Christ to rule over Israel. For now, however, God allows Israel to go its own way until it sees for itself that there is no one more qualified than the Lord Jesus Christ. When they realize this, they would be the ones to ask for him to come and rule them saying, “Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord” [Mat 23:37-39].
  8. God has declared prophesies of things that are yet to be so that it would be clear who is in charge of all things. When things turn out as God has said they would, and it was God alone who declared these things first, everybody will know, witnessing for themselves, that God is indeed sovereign and powerful and Creator of the world [Isa 44:6-8; 48:12-].

God is a God of proofs. He does all he does and makes all His claims with undeniable evidences.

Not To Men Alone But To Heaven As Well

It may be helpful to keep in mind that men are not the only ones God is teaching, but heaven as well.

With awareness of this way of God, for example, you understand a reason why God didn’t make the world perfect in the beginning like he made heaven. It is so that heaven and us would appreciate his wisdom and ways.

The World as A Demonstration To Heaven

You see, heaven was created perfect, therefore, the inhabitants of heaven, may not appreciate some of the reasons why God made and arranged certain things the way he did in heaven. Therefore, we have the earth and mankind who have to work their way up. Thus, necessities that Heaven automatically takes care of, men have to discover and try to solve and they never get anything quite right. Thus, by observing the earth, heaven appreciates what God has done in heaven.

On earth, we have tried and are still trying different types of government systems and none of them is good enough. Heaven, however, has a system of government that is has always been working. Thus, through the human race, what the world will end up doing is showing that the system of heaven’s government is the best.

We coudl describe it this way: It is like proving to others that your answer is correct. Heaven is God's answer. The earth is both demonstrates the question heaven answers and is the proof that heaven's answer is correct.

As I said at the start, this is just a brief look at one of God’s way, demonstrating his wisdom to all—not so he could brag but out of reasonable necessity.

Moses’ Intercessions

We could go on to add Moses’ intercessions which show that what people (and heaven) thinks about God matters.

But why does it matter? Of course, it is not that God is insecure, nevertheless, not even God can expect people to truly honor him if they either think he is weak or wicked. Thus, the power of God must be demonstrated as well as his goodness. And demonstrating goodness requires demonstrating wisdom and justice and faithfulness and the like. (One way or other, a fool ruins things waht is good and so truly be good, one has to be wise. Having good intentions is not good enough, we must perceive God to be wise if we will truly consider him to be good.)